Due to mortgages that need paying and all the other expenses that come with being in my 40s I have had to continue to work full time, slotting in building up my healing practice where I can. So many people have suggested that I should be ditching the job to follow my dreams and I have felt dissatisfied in not being able to do that blaming my circumstances, that are quite normal, for not being able to "follow my dream". Well, the past 2 weeks have led me to realise that being a full time healer is not my dream. Not for now anyway.
Over the last few weeks I have had quite a few clients and it has been wonderful to tune into the crystals, flowers and Spirit to work with these people. I look forward to working with them again but it has made me realise I couldn't do it full time. As an introvert it would simply be too much interaction, as an HSP it would be too many different energies. I am pretty sure I would burn out quite quickly even though I am working with universal energies and not my own.
This realisation has let me to see that I have been beautifully given what I can handle. Rather than being in a situation where I need to charge high prices and churn people through like a conveyor line to be able to make enough money I am able to offer low prices and reduce the amount of interaction I am exposed to. At the same time I am able to give my whole attention to the person in front of me rather than having the worry in the back of my mind about whether the next pay cheque, I mean, client will turn up. The focus shifts from making money to helping people, and that is what it is ALL about for me!
I also realise that I was being sucked into following a dream that I thought was mine but proved to be someone else's; something that is expected, quite innocently, from anyone that takes the path of a healer. Now pressure is taken off me to advertise more, work out how to increase word of mouth and all the things that go with trying to work towards relying on my healing practice for a living.
This is all quite wonderful because it frees me up to appreciate my job and appreciate the one client a week I have been getting up until the last 2 weeks where I have seen 4. I have loved every minute of it and I don't begrudge any of those clients for one second; they have allowed me to help them whilst at the same time given me the opportunity to see a little more of where my path truly leads. I am more at peace with the 9-5 because of this. Win Win!!!
The next step is to decide whether I am in the right 9-5. Maybe in accepting that it is something I am choosing rather than resenting it I will either find myself happier in the job I have or find a way to a better job that inspires me more. I am also once again happy with the plan that I will do more healing when the mortgage is paid off and I won't need to earn so much. Yeah, that might be 30 years away, but I'm cool with that.
For now I am happy to be an "evenings only" healer where I can offer my services at a low price at a time that can suit other 9-5ers. It means spaces are limited and I need to set boundaries, but that's all part of the wonderful learning that comes with the path.
Visit my website to learn about my healing practice
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