For the parents
Beech - If you are finding yourself annoyed by the noise and disruption to your normal routine Beech can help to calm irritations.
Olive - When you are utter exhausted from ferrying kids around, entertaining them and still squeezing all your normal tasks into the day Olive can help you to keep going when you need to and rest when you are able.
Elm - When all your normal routines are thrown out of kilter by the extra burden of having to organise childcare or activities this remedy can help you deal with each job as it comes up.
Pine - It is possible you may feel guilty because you have to work while your kids are in childcare at a time when you could be enjoying the summer. Pine will help you accept the situation and that you are doing the best you can.
Pine can also help if you feel you are neglecting other tasks or responsibilities because you are caring for your children.
Impatiens - This remedy helps us when we get frustrated with things taking too long. Maybe you have to walk slower because you have a toddler with you, or just the simple fact that you can't fit enough into the day is causing frustration. Impatiens will help you accept that things take as long as they take.
Hornbeam - If you wake up in the morning exhausted just thinking about what you have to do that day Hornbeam can help you find the motivation to get up and face the day.
Holly - Holly can help if we start to resent our children for stopping us from having a quiet 10 minutes or doing other things we would normal do.
Vine - This remedy can help us use encouragement and team work to get through the day rather than arguing and shouting.
For the kids
Of course it is possible that the remedies can help the children themselves. Due to the alcoholic content of the remedies ensure that you keep them out of the reach of children and only add the required dose to a drink rather than administering directly onto their tongue.Wild Rose - This can help with those moments where they are bored but don't want to do anything you suggest by restoring their motivation.
Holly - Can help calm sibling rivalry and arguments.
Olive - Try this remedy when the child is tired and irritable as it may help them give in to sleep.
Willow - If a child is sulking and feeling sorry for itself this remedy can help bring them out of it.
Vervain - If you have a child that just wants to sit around this remedy can help them get up and move around.
There may be other remedies that can help with other situations, feel free to contact me if you would like some advice on which would be right for your situation.
Have a happy summer holiday and have a great time with your children.
For information on how to take the remedies please visit my website
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