The problem we face is that sleep is disturbed for so many different reasons but because the outcome is the same it is believed that there should be one answer. With this in mind when looking at Bach Remedies we have to ask the first all important question: what is stopping you sleep?
Here in this blog I am going to cover a number of reasons and the possible remedies that might help. This isn't a complete list and a remedy would have to be chosen based on an understanding of the situation in hand.
When your brain won't stop

Worrying is often the next most common reason for not sleeping. These thoughts are stronger than those that White Chestnut combats, these are often worries about money, people we love, or situations we are faced with. Some of remedies that might help in these situations are Mimulus, Clematis or Red Chestnut.

Clematis is good for thoughts of the future; when we find ourselves thinking about things that are going to happen tomorrow. In taking Clematis we are brought back into this moment where we are supposed to be sleeping.
Red Chestnut concerns fears we have about other people, when we are not able to care for ourselves because we are worried about others this remedy allows us to let go of those worries and meet our own needs first.
Over tired
Sometimes we have simply got too tired, we're exhausted but we lay there waiting for sleep to come. When this happens Olive can be helpful, allowing us to give in to the tiredness.
Just can't sleep!

These are just a few of the remedies that might help you when you can't sleep. If you want to talk more about sleep problems feel free to get in touch.
For information on how to take the remedies please visit my website
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