We live in a time when we are bombarded with the woes of the world. Whether it is the horrific acts of Daesh, the ever present threat of global warming, or problems closer to home in our own country with financial and housing problems. Our news feeds are filled with big problems and it can become overwhelming. We fall into "what can I do? It's all too much" and because of that we are paralysed from doing anything.
Me being a lover of food I tend to think of these issues as being like a burger (veggie in my case) that is just too big to get into your mouth. It's full of lovely things that you would love to get to but there is just no way. What do we tend to do in these situations? Well, you could get a knife and fork but, for some reasons, burgers just don't taste the same that way. No, we start to take it apart and we eat smaller pieces. Maybe a bit of the burger with some bread. Then we have some of the pickle (yes, I am one of those that likes the pickle) with a bit of lettuce and slowly but surely you are able to eat the delicious meal.

One small ant can't make much of a difference... but how much do we fear a swarm of ants entering our home...
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