I was hoping to be offering this therapy fairly quickly but I now believe that I myself have to go through a process of recalibration before I am ready to do so. Part of this process for me is to explore and experience the effects of colour and how it can be used to bring about healing in my own life.
How can I offer this authentically to others if I haven't used it for myself?
The first step seems to be to understand what colour therapy actually is and be able to explain it to others in a way that makes sense, so here we go; step 1....
What is colour therapy?
Everything vibrates. It has been found by scientists that due to the movement of the atoms that make up everything around us we are bathed in a symphony of vibrations. We ourselves are vibrating at our own personal frequency and that is a response to everything about us; our bodies and energy system are effected by the foods we eat, the thoughts we have and the environment we find ourselves in.

Have you ever walked into a room that has been painted a really bright colour and found yourself feeling refreshed and full of energy? And of course there are those dingy rooms that we find oppressive and soul destroying. This is colour having a powerful effect on your emotions.
Colour is pure, unadulterated energy coming straight from pure white light. For some it carries the essence of Spirit in a clear form unaffected by belief or dogma. We all have our favourite colours, and those colours we avoid, possibly without knowing it and it surrounds us every day. We can either take it for granted or we can work with it consciously to help us move through our lives with more clarity, ease and balance.

The next step....
As much as I would love to be offering this right away I am not quite ready. I appear to be going through a process of bringing more and more colour into my life. I have always had my vibrant pinks and deep purples but now blue, red and if I am brave orange and yellow will be making their way into my day to day life, just so I can experience how it affects me. Today I have gone for a softer pink than normal and I am loving it.
Watch this space, hopefully very soon I will be able to bring more colour into your life too xx
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