Tuesday, 31 March 2015

How to safely make crystal waters and elixirs

Gem elixirs and crystal waters are a great way to work with crystals in our daily life but there are some safety precautions that need to be considered before they are made.

Are you drinking toxic chemicals?
It seems such a simple process; get a glass of water and drop some of your favourite crystals in it and the energies of the crystals will be passed to the water; but what you might not be aware of are the toxic chemicals that may also be passed into the water.

We have to remember how crystals are formed.  Deep in the earth water picks up chemicals and these then come together to form the crystal.  Different chemicals in different environments create the multitude of crystals.  Some of those chemicals may be harmless, but others not so much.

To name a few: Malachite, pictured left, is often mined for it's copper content.
Angelite can contain lead
Cinnabar is a source of mercury
Pyrite has sulphur as a constituent 
Tourmaline can have aluminium in it

All of these chemicals are toxic to humans and animals and even some plants, if these were in our tap water there would be an outrage, and yet we blithely put them in our glass of water.

Another issue to bear in mind is that some crystals are water soluble.  Not only does this guarantee that some of the chemicals will end up in your water but it will also damage your crystal, something else we want to avoid.

So how do we make a gem elixir or water and guarantee it is safe to drink? 

No soak method 
There are 2 ways you can get around this problem and which one you use tends to be based on your beliefs, whether your crystal is damaged by water and whether you are able to dowse.

The first option is what I call the "no soak" method but others call it the "indirect" method.

Take a clear, colourless glass or jar and fill it with the water you want to drink.  Place it in the centre of another clear, colourless bowl of water and place the crystal in the bowl.  This will transfer the energies of the crystal into the glass or jar without the water being affected by the crystal's physical properties.

Many people would put this in the sunlight to aid the process.  Of course the problems with this method are that we can't always be sure that our crystals won't be damaged by the water or the sunlight for that matter.  This means I prefer not to use this process.

Intentional method
The way I make elixirs and drinking waters are based more on the spirit of co-creation with the stone spirit and the belief that energy can be transferred with intention.

Choose your clear, colourless glass and fill it with mineral water.  Ask the crystal that is right for you to step forward.  After connecting with it and asking if it will join you in co-creation hold it above the water with your non-dominant hand (this is your left if you are right handed).  With your dominant hand hold a pendulum above the crystal and ask the crystal to send its energies into the glass.  Use the pendulum to tell you when the process has been completed.  When the water is ready thank the crystal and the process is complete.  This method can be used to imbue water with any number of energies without any concerns.

Visit my website to learn more about my healing practice  

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Down the rabbit hole we go...

Recently I decided to learn a new healing modality and was drawn to colour therapy.  I signed up on a home study course and embarked on learning about this new to me system.  I had no idea the things I would learn about myself on the way.  I have to confess it's been quite a levelling experience.

It's been nearly 20 years since I studied crystal healing and I had no idea how much I had learnt and what I take for granted until I tried to learn something new.  I feel like I am starting from scratch again, and it's amazing, painful and wonderful all at once.

I expected the knowledge to just be there, to be able to sail through this with no hesitation.  Instead I am having to re-learn and re-examine all I have taken for granted for so many years.  To start with that was tough, and is still quite frustrating but I now see that it is set to send me to deeper levels of understanding; not just of how we work with colour but healing in general and, always the bonus, a deeper understanding of who I am and what makes me tick.

Back down the rabbit hole I go.  I hope to blog about what I am learning but I am aware it will be fairly unpolished and open to review at any point... maybe I'll start a new blog that I can link to here where I can share my new learnings and ponderings... watch this space ... this one here....

Visit my website to learn about my healing practice  

Monday, 9 March 2015

Spring Equinox - clearing away the dead wood

As we reach towards the spring equinox, a time when night and day are of the same length, we are taking the next step in the cycle of the seasons.  February was a time to plan the "seeds" we wish to grow in the coming year. Now in March we are clearing the "land" in preparation for sowing those seeds.

This clearing can cause a time of turbulence, often there are unexpected endings as things we no longer need are shed from our lives.  It can feel quite hard to let go of the familiar but, just like the gardener clears away dead leaves and twigs, these are things that we no longer need and will hamper our progress if they are left.

I myself am going through this very clearing process and at times it is proving hard to let go, but that is what we must do.

Hold the faith that as the sun returns in April the land will warm up and the environment for those seeds will become much more hospitable.

Visit my website to learn about my healing practice  

Sunday, 8 March 2015

How can healing help in the real world?

Often it's hard to see how going to see a crystal healer can help you in the real world.  I mean, we have to make real life changes to see better results, don't we?  Not just lay there and let someone waft crystals around and expect all to be ok again.

You would be right, getting a healing isn't suddenly going to fix all your problems, but it will help you make those changes.

Quite some years ago now I was in a situation where I needed to find somewhere to live.  I had been living pretty much rent free and my life had changed leaving me needed to find a flat.  The problem was I could only afford one it a really bad area.  I didn't know what to do, I would be living on my own for the first time and the last thing I wanted was be scared of every noise outside my door.

I was seeing my crystal healer almost every week at this point dealing with what was going on in my life and when I was next on the couch I explained my situation.  We talked and the crystals did their thing and we decided I would ask my boss for a raise.

We all know how pointless that would be, yes?  No boss ever gives a raise just by being asked.

But, because of the healing I was balanced, I was calm and I had faith in my ability to get what I needed.  I walked in that office the next day, stated that unless I got a raise I would need to look for another job and I was given exactly what I asked for instantly.  Within weeks I was living in a lovely flat in the best part of town.  Money was still tight, but I was there and I was safe.  I even found out that I had an amazing neighbour who helped me start to rebuild my life.

Although healing can, at times, help manifest amazing things, for the most part though what it does is bring us back to our optimum selves.  It quiets the doubt and fear, the voice that says it can't be done, and allows us to get on with doing it.

Visit my website to learn about my healing practice