Friday, 9 November 2012

Our reality, what creates it?

 Since the dawn of communication our reality has been expanding.  First it was news from the next village and then over the millennia it has stretched to include photographs of other planets.  This expansion has increased the scope of our reality; no longer do we base our beliefs about the “world around us” on what we personally experience; we take on the beliefs of others without questioning them.  Are we right to do this?

I know from talking to other people the idea of limiting your reality can be seen as quite radical, but I would like you to ask you to suspend your normal rationale and take a new look at your life around you.

I am sitting at my desk and the radio is on.  Currently the lady on the radio is telling me that there is an accident on the M1 near Milton Keynes.  Later I will go home and listen to my husband telling me about his day, and the same with our lodger.  On my way home I may listen to Radio 4 and hear about current affairs.  From all of this I am getting an idea of what the world is like.  But I have not experienced any of it.  All I have done is sit at my desk to write this blog then seen a stretch of road between my office and my home.

How much of our reality do we build from the media and from other people?  All of that information comes flooding to us and we rarely question it.  But what if we consider that it has all come through the filter of someone else?  One person’s experience of a situation is going to be different to another’s.  And how do we know what they are telling us is true?

Centuries ago it was believed that the world was flat.  No-one actually knew this as a proven fact, it was just what was believed.  The information was passed around and people blindly accepted it and based their reality on it, including the fears that they may fall off the edge if they went too far.  It wasn’t really until someone saw that the world was round that it could be truly believed, and even then, only when photographs were brought back could this information be proven.

How much of what you believe about the world is based on personal experience and how much has slipped in the back door through the media or people you speak to?  How many of your fears are based on this information? 

A good example of this is the way we see the economy.  We are told the country is falling apart, people are being made redundant left, right and centre and there are no jobs.  Because of this we often hold fears that we will be next for redundancy.  But look around you; how many unemployed people do you know that are actively seeking a job?  I personally know of one person, and she has an interview soon that will put her forward for a number of jobs. 

Should we really be so scared?

I would like to lay down a challenge to all who have read this.  For one day I ask you to turn off the tv and radio, put the newspapers and magazines down and try not to discuss current affairs with your friends and colleagues.  Shrink your world and take a fresh look at what is really there.  Look for the positives around you and you may well find that the world isn’t as terrible as you thought it was.

After this you may find you never pick that newspaper up again.  Build your reality on what you experience yourself, not what the media tells you.

People may tell you you need to know what is happening in the world, but do you really?  I work on the basis that if there is something I can do, tell me all about it.  If there is nothing I can do, I don’t want to know.  Holding fear and hatred because of what I have been told is doing more harm than good, both to me and to the planet as a whole.

Visit my website to learn about my healing practice  

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

What does crystal healing do?

Crystal healing is one of those therapies that can easily sound like mumbo-jumbo, either it makes sense or it doesn’t and I respect that.  However, if you can suspend cynicism for a moment I will try to explain.

Crystal healing works on a number of levels and you can take from it what you like.  I will explain all the levels that I believe in, but feel free to take or leave it.

The most basic level of crystal healing relates to colour.

Each of the chakras or energy centres resonate at a frequency that can relate to a colour.  The colours start with red at the base chakra and move up the body to violet at the crown.  When these go out of balance colour can be used to bring them back into line.

On a very basic level many healers use crystals with the same colour as the chakras to bring them back into balance.  Personally this does not make sense.  If something that should be orange (the sacral chakra) has become too yellow, adding more orange will only affect the colour very slightly, adding more red would bring the colour back into balance.  This means the “chakra sets” that you see sold are not, in my opinion, really good enough for colour healing of the chakras.  They are nice things to have and the crystals themselves have value, but not in the way they are sold.

This is where some science comes in to play with more esoteric beliefs.  Please forgive me for any inaccuracies, I am not a scientist.

Everything on the planet vibrates due to their atomic structure.  The frequency of the vibration is based on the chemical make-up of the item.  The human energy system is not fixed in its frequency but crystals are due to their structure and because they are natural they are in perfect harmony with the planet.  Science states that if you bring an item with a fixed frequency into the energy field of something that has an unfixed frequency the unfixed item will come into resonance with the fixed.

The frequency of the human energy system* should be in tune with that of the planet but due to things like negative thought forms, karma and pollution it can easily be knocked out of balance.  Crystals can be introduced into the human energy field to bring it back into balance.

The chemical make-up and the place in which they were formed, along with their colour, affects their vibrational frequency and the effect it will have on the human energy field.  For instance hematite contains a lot of iron and this will affect the iron in our blood along with having a grounding effect due to being in the red spectrum.

Working on these two levels would be enough to bring about a degree of healing when working with crystals; however I personally have another level of belief.

*The internet is full of information on Chakras and the Aura.  I advise you research this and find a system that resonates with you.  I quite like the descriptions of the chakras on this page however I cannot vouch for the rest of the website and I do not subscribe to their suggestions of crystals.

Earth Elders
I have blogged about this before however I am happy to mention it again.

Since being privileged be part of the wonderful Crystal Spirit group I have become aware of the fact that crystals are actually Earth Elders, just like those from the plant and animal kingdom.

These are multidimensional beings that are wiser than us and are able to work on many levels.  They have chosen to come to humanity, in their 3d forms, as crystals.  These wise elders bring with them knowledge and healing energy that can be accessed to bring about healing on a much deeper level.  When working with the crystals it is like accessing a group of wise healers who each bring their own capabilities.

All the way through the healing session there is a gentle balancing act happening.  The human energy field has many structures and energy centres that are tweaked and corrected to bring the whole system back into balance.  In the past I have worked with someone who was working on breaking addictions and I spent a lot of time working with the crystals to anchor their energy field back to their body and repairing damage the addictions had caused to their aura. 

Sometimes clients who are particularly sensitive will feel sensations as this happens but for others there are no sensations.  Either is fine and should not be judged.

Visit my website to learn about my healing practice